• Sit-ups and crunches, mainly the crunches. There is an exercise tool that specialises in crunches, I think it's called the 6 second abs. It clicks each time you're working a level up your abdomen and it will click 6 times if you're working the upper abs. See
  • There is no such thing as "upper abdominal muscles". The Rectus Abdominus, or the "abs", is one muscle that is separated into eight portions by the linea alba and thin membrane. The muscle is split up like this because it gives a more powerful contraction, making it easier to bear more weight and give more force. If you do exercises like "leg lifts" or things that "target lower abs", be very careful, because it is most likely targeting your Iliopsoas muscle, which lies underneath your abs and helps move your legs. This is often confused in many people for lower ab burning, when it's really a completely different muscle. Crunches, V-Ups, and bicycles are the best ab exercises. Just be sure to keep your abs tight the entire exercise, and do not let your back arch because this is very dangerous to your lower back and it can lead to injury.

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