• Strictly speaking, you cannot go to jail for not paying your credit card bills. This is a civil offense, and you can only go to jail or prison for criminal offenses, according to But in certain circumstances, you could be taken to civil court, and if you don't play your cards right, you could be convicted of a criminal offense.


    In the United States, your being in credit card debt generally is considered profitable for the economy. For this reason, the U.S. has not had a debtor's prison since the 1850's. You can now only be imprisoned for criminal violations. Debt is a civil violation.

    Debt Collectors

    If you have a large debt and the ability to pay it off, a credit card company may hire a debt collector's agency. This agency will most likely constantly call you and send mail regarding your debt.

    Civil Court

    If you don't respond to calls, the debt agency may take you to civil court. If you miss a civil court appearance, a warrant could be issued for contempt of court. This could result in jail time.

    Causes of Prison Time

    If you are not paying your debt and you are taken to civil court, you could be sent to prison for contempt of court, willfully failing to pay your income tax or attempting to hide assets or income to avoid paying your debt.

    Your Rights

    You have the right to ask debt collectors to stop calling you, your friends or employers. If they fail to do so, you can take them to court.

    Source: Consequences of Ignoring Credit Card Debt

    Can you go to jail for not paying your debts?

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