• Water damage can ruin your home. Some kinds of water damage are covered by most homeowners insurance policies, but other kinds are not. Homeowners should be aware of what insurance generally covers.


    A common misconception is that your homeowner's policy covers all types of water damage. This is not the case.

    Covered Losses

    For the most part, water damage caused by a storm is covered under your policy. An example of this would be a tree falling onto your roof, and then rain damaging the inside of your home. Other covered losses include water damage from a burst pipe.

    Excluded Losses

    In addition to water damage caused by a flood, water damage caused by your failure to maintain your home will not be covered by your insurance policy.


    If you live in an area that is susceptible to flooding, you may be required by your lender to purchase flood insurance. In that case, your home will be covered for water damage caused by a flood.


    This is only a general guide to what types of water damage are covered by your insurance. Consult your insurance policy or your insurance agent for specifics on what is covered by your insurance.

    Source: Water Damage in Your Home

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