• Ribbon blenders are large, specialized blenders meant for mixing materials in bulk. They are often used in food production for both animals and humans.


    A ribbon blender is a large trough-shaped machine with curved metal strips shaped like ribbons.

    How It Works

    The ingredients are put in the trough and the various metal ribbons mix the them until they are fully incorporated with one another.


    The ribbon blender is capable of mixing a large batch of ingredients in a short period of time. Instead of a simple stirring motion, the blender works the ingredients in different directions to ensure they are spread evenly.


    There are various models of ribbon blenders. Some move the ingredients in a spiral motion from one end to the other; others mix the ingredients from the inside out.


    A few uses for ribbon blenders include animal feed, cosmetics, seasoning, baking powder, flour, salt and pet food.


    Ross: How the Ribbon Blender Works

    Bepex Particle Processing Technology: Ribbon Blender

    Mikrons: Ribbon Blender

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