• A security paraprofessional first receives training and then assists a professional in their day to day activities. This may include helping file paperwork or working under security professionals as they actively serve their employer.


    Being a paraprofessional is different from an intern, who usually works to learn. They will generally have unique job roles and responsibilities in addition to helping trained professionals.


    Paraprofessionals have usually been trained at an accredited institution for the field they are entering. Security programs and colleges offer programs that may lead to paraprofessional roles.


    Security paraprofessionals may be employed in public or private schools. They may also be taken on in security firms or in preparation for police work.


    Paraprofessionals usually don't have the same ability as professionals to pick their desired hours or work patterns. They must usually work when a wiling professional is available to work with them.


    Security paraprofessionals are usually paid significantly less than the professionals they work with. They usually don't have the training or experience to qualify for a professional's pay rate.


    K12 Job Jobs

    More Information:

    Merriam Paraprofessional

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