• In a competitive economy, good customer service can give a company the edge it needs to continuously make a profit and stay ahead of the competition. Businesses that lack in customer service are headed toward failure. Business owners and managers need to make training and expectations for good customer service a high priority and part of their business culture.


    Customer service refers the treatment of the client or visitor to the business by the employees. The employees who practice excellent customer service have the goal of leaving the customer with such a positive feeling about his experience that he not only will return in the future, but will recommend the business to others with enthusiasm and confidence.


    Excellent client service allows the customer to feel welcomed and appreciated for having chosen to spend time and money at the business. By using the customer's name during the transaction, the client feels personally valued. Starbucks is a good example of personalization. By writing the name of each customer on the cup and remembering their preferred drink, the customer is willing to pay more for similar quality in other places.

    Time Frame

    Within one to three minutes of entering a place of business, a client should be greeted personally and offered assistance. Any longer delay invites him to take his business elsewhere. By promptly greeting and welcoming the client, he believes his business is valued and appreciated.


    When providing excellent service to a client, an effective employee anticipates the customer's needs and fulfills them however possible. In a restaurant, the waiter who refills the drink glass before being asked to do so practices good customer service.


    Mistakes are bound to happen and errors will be made. A business with sound client service will have a win-win philosophy of business that compensates the customer when an error is made. This keeps the customer coming back. Repeat business is the goal of good customer service.


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