• Although today's car batteries are made with modern materials, the basic technology dates back to the mid-1800s. A chemical reaction between lead and sulfuric acid makes the electricity that starts your car.


    A car battery is a sturdy, sealed plastic box containing specially treated lead plates immersed in a solution of sulfuric acid. Two lead posts in the top of the battery connect to cables in the car's electrical system.


    When you turn the ignition key in your car, the electric starter motor receives current from the battery. After the engine is started, a charging system puts energy back into the battery, keeping it fully charged.


    The battery contains two sets of lead plates. One set, made of lead dioxide, feeds the positive terminal of the battery. The other set, made of so-called sponge lead, feeds the negative terminal.


    The car battery uses sulfuric acid as an electrolyte. This electrolyte, combined with the lead plates, creates a chemical reaction that can either produce or store electric current.


    The lead plates are kept apart by separators. These may be made of plastic, rubber or other materials. They prevent the plates from shorting out and help vent hydrogen gas that builds up in the battery.


    Renewable Energy UK: Lead Acid Batteries A Shocking Expose: Your Car's Battery

    National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: Battery History

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