• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Generally Crimes Aren't Violent

    Northwest Houston hotel crime consists mainly of property crime--burglaries, car break-ins and car theft. In hotels and hotel parking lots, there were 12 thefts, three robberies, four aggravated assaults, five burglarized motor vehicles, three burglaries and nine auto thefts from January 1, 2009 through November 30, 2009.

    On the Other: Crime Remains a Possibility

    Houston has a population of 2.2 million people and, like other large cities, crime is a threat that can happen anywhere in the city at any time. However, the rate of crime in the northwest is generally lower than in other parts of the city.

    Bottom Line

    The Houston Police Department asserts even the property crimes can be deterred by taking precautions: stay alert, walk in well-lit areas, lock your doors and don't leave valuables in plain view. Northwest Houston hotels are safe if you take preventative measures to safeguard yourself and your property.


    Keeping Citizens Safe

    Northwest Houston Crime Statistics

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