• During the Middle Ages, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, kings exercised absolute rule over the lands they controlled. Kings collected taxes, led armies and oversaw the medieval system of land management. Further, they believed they ruled by God-given right.

    Time Frame

    The medieval period, or Middle Ages, lasted from the fifth century to the 16th century.


    Under the view known as divine right, kings derived their authority from God, and obedience to the king equaled obedience to God.


    To maintain control of their lands, kings appointed lords or barons to govern large tracts. The lords controlled the peasants and provided tax revenues and soldiers to the kings. This system was known as feudalism.


    Many kings built large castles to protect themselves and their lands from invasion by enemy tribes, such as the Vikings.

    Famous Ties

    Famous medieval kings included Charlemagne of France and Richard I (Richard the Lion-Hearted) of England.


    Kings in the Middle Ages

    The feudal system

    More Information:

    More about the Middle Ages

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