• A nutritionist creates healthy meal plans and oversees the preparation and serving of the food. He educates people on healthy eating habits and suggests dietary modifications to promote better health.

    Health Care Facilities

    Nutritionists work in health care facilities like hospitals, nursing homes and outpatient facilities, and for doctors and other health care professionals. They offer dietary information that will help patients with illnesses or weight problems achieve healthier eating habits.


    School systems strive to offer healthy choices to their students. Nutritionists plan healthy menu choices for them.

    Correctional Facilities

    Inmates in correctional facilities can consult a nutritionist if they are interested in eating healthier. A nutritionist plans the menu and oversees food preparation in the facility.


    Following the advice of a nutritionist can lead to improvements in people with medical conditions and provide an overall healthier lifestyle. A nutritionist can guide you through the process of changing your lifestyle to become healthier.


    A nutritionist can give you the information and tools needed to make changes, but you have to be willing to make the needed changes.


    United States Department of Labor, "Dietitians and Nutritionists"

    Career Overview, "Dietitian and Nutritionist"

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