• Insulating a home adds value to the home and reduces heating and cooling costs. The type of insulation you choose depends on the size of the home and where the insulation will be placed. In the case of attic insulation, blown insulation is a good option and is considered a positive home upgrade.


    Like batts and rolls of insulation, blown-in insulation is measured by its R-value, the insulation's ability to resist heat flow. The higher the R-value, the more heat flow resistance the insulation offers. However blown-in insulation cannot be measured by inches and thickness. Its value is calculated with a combination of quantity needs, force of blowing needed to achieve a specific density and the area that needs to be covered.

    Determining How Much You Need

    The most effective way to determine how much blown insulation you need is to decide what R-value you want for the insulation and determine the total area of space you need to insulate. When purchasing insulation, buy the blown insulation that will achieve the desired R-value, and enough bags to cover the space. The bags of insulation will tell you its maximum R-value and what setting is needed on the blower to achieve it. To know how much insulation to use in each area, mentally separate the space into four equal parts, then divide the total number of purchased bags by four.


    Johns Manville: Blown-in Insulation

    More Information:

    Determining the R-value

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