• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Most Scientists Reject

    Dowsing is the attempt to discover water by means of a dowsing rod--a forked wooden stick or an L-shaped brass rod that points downward when the person holding it walks over ground where water is buried. Most scientists reject dowsing, pointing to tests such as a 1992 study done in Kassel, Germany, by the Society for the Scientific Investigation of the Parasciences, an internationally respected skeptic's organization, where the results by the tested dowsers were no better than chance.

    On the Other: Many Supporters

    Despite the skepticism of the scientific community, dowsing has a large group of supporters. They believe that certain individuals have the power to locate water and other objects through paranormal means. They also point out that Albert Einstein once wrote a letter which contained some positive comments on dowsing.

    Bottom Line

    The overwhelming consensus of scientists is that dowsing is not valid. Although dowsing still retains many believers, until it is confirmed by unbiased studies it must be regarded as unproven.


    the Skeptic's Dictionary: Dowsing

    International Society of Dowsers: Dowsing Explained

    International Society of Dowsers: Einstein

    More Information:

    James Randi Educational Foundation: The Matter of Dowsing

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