• A bulging disc can go unnoticed and lead to disability if the disc compresses the spinal cord or the nerves leaving the spinal column. Symptoms of a serious disc injury may require aggressive medical intervention.

    The Facts

    Each intervertebral disc is a ring of cartilage with a fluid filled center (nucleus pulposus). The discs cushion spinal vertebrae, allowing smooth movement. Healthy discs prevent the compression of nerves leaving the spinal cord to serve the rest of the body (peripheral nerves).


    A disc bulges when compression, through injury or degenerative disc disease, pushes its nucleus pulposus toward the outer disc wall. A bulging (herniated) disc puts pressure on the spinal cord and peripheral nerves.


    According to Merck Medical Library, bulging discs causing loss of bladder and bowel control, numbness and weakness in legs (neurological deficits) or paralysis are considered serious.


    Decompression surgery prevents or slows nerve damage. Removing herniated discs (discectomy) or the rear portions of the backbone (laminectomy) relieves pressure. Recovery takes six to eight weeks.


    Your doctor may suggest waiting four to six weeks before considering surgery, to allow the disc to shrink on its own, or to see if nonsurgical treatments ease pain and correct neurological deficits.


    Tracking your symptoms in a daily journal supports continuing a conservative treatment plan, or highlights the need for more aggressive treatment.


    Merck Medical Library: Herniated Nucleus Puposus

    Merck Medical Library: Spinal Cord Compression

  • Yes, you need to see a doctor right away. Anything bulging like that is serious.

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