• You may have heard about the health benefits of relaxing in a steam room or desire to use one to help drop the pounds. While it is similar in some ways to a sauna, a steam room differs in a few important ways.

    Steam Room

    A steam room is an enclosed room where steam is pumped in, creating a hot environment. People use these rooms for a variety of reasons, such as weight loss or to help with relaxation or medical conditions.


    A steam room differs from a sauna in several ways. A steam room uses moist heat created by a generator that pumps steam and is generally covered in ceramic tiles. A sauna uses dry heat created by a stove, tends to get hotter than a steam room and is usually made from wood.


    A steam room can provide many benefits. It can help relieve congestion and bring relief to conditions such as allergies or bronchitis. It is good for circulation and muscle relaxation, and sweating can also cleanse the skin.

    Weight Loss

    Some people use a steam room to help them lose weight. While the steam room can provide certain benefits that can aid in weight loss, such as an increased heart rate, the pounds you may drop after a steam room session is likely water weight. Water weight loss is only temporary.


    If you are pregnant or have certain conditions, such as blood pressure problems, heart disease, epilepsy or are taking certain medications, avoid using a steam room. To be safe, talk to your doctor before beginning steam room sessions. There are other precautions to consider; too much time spent sweating in a steam room can cause dehydration, and fungal infections (such as athlete's foot) can spread among users.


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