• Gambling excessively is a serious problem that doesn't just affect your financial security. It may not gain as much attention as more apparent addictions such as alcohol or drug use, but gambling can also adversely affect your health, your job, and your family just as much. Fortunately, recognition of this problem has led to the creation of methods to help you recover from and overcome it. You are not alone.

    Support Groups

    One good way to handle an addiction with gambling is to speak with and connect to others facing a similar struggle. Support groups, both in person and online, serve as a foundation on which you can rebuild your life. While going it alone may seem like a preferable option to you, or embarrassment is holding you back, talking with others who really understand what you're going through may help you find the strength to rebuild your life--one free of gambling. If you like the anonymity you can only have via the Internet, finding a group based mostly or entirely online will be a better option for you. If you can't find a local group specifically about gambling but want the kind of personal contact you get by speaking to others in person, you can also seek out a more generalized group that handles all addictions.

    Trained Counselors

    Unfortunately, today's society has placed a stigma on the words "therapist" or "counselor" and everything associated with it, but seeking one out doesn't in any way imply anything about your mental status. These specialists have been trained to help people regain their balance in life. Many counselors are specifically certified in helping compulsive gamblers. They will understand your struggle. Finding a counselor you can trust may take some time, but if you can make a connection with someone who can hold you accountable for your decisions, your path to recovery will be shorter than choosing to do it alone. Even if you can't find someone with specific training in compulsive gambling, working with a counselor trained in addiction will still benefit you as you work to overcome your obstacles.

    Online Forums

    A forum is a good option if the structure of a support group is too restrictive for you, although the looser connections you make with others may not be as beneficial as the others methods mentioned here. On a forum you can maintain complete anonymity and, therefore, complete confidentiality as you discuss your situation with others and listen to their own. However, there is no accountability with this method, relying more on self-discipline to achieve your goal of recovery.


    Gambling Therapy Support Website

    Complusive Gambling Support Group

    More Information:

    Gamblers Anonymous

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