• While myth has it that a diabetic can never eat sugar, modern medicine disagrees. People with diabetes can eat sugar in moderation as long as they watch their blood sugar levels.


    The Mayo Clinic describes diabetes as a chronic inability to process glucose, or sugar. The resulting elevated blood sugar can lead to a host of health problems if untreated.

    Blood Sugar

    According to Dr. Michael R. Eades, the American Diabetes Association considers a fasting blood sugar level under 100 milligrams per deciliter normal. Levels above 125 milligrams per deciliter indicate diabetes.

    Sugars vs. Carbs

    Sugar, a carbohydrate, poses no greater danger to a diabetic than any other carbohydrate, according to Diabetes Health. All carbohydrates can raise blood sugar levels, and foods containing sugar affect blood sugar levels in the same manner as similar quantities of other carbohydrates.

    High-carb Foods

    According to the American Diabetes Association, starchy foods such as potatoes, rice and bread all deliver large amounts of carbohydrates, requiring diabetics to exercise care in portion sizes of these foods.


    Everyday "convenience foods" can spike a diabetic's blood sugar levels in a hurry. Eades claims that a medium order of french fries packs enough carbohydrates to equal nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar.


    Sugar and Diabetes: the Myth That Won't Die

    A spoonful of sugar

    Diabetes Myths

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