• Prescription and non-prescription medications for animals can be found at a variety of retailers and pharmacies. For specialized medications you may be limited as to where you can purchase your pet's medication. If you pet needs a more common medication, then you can try several places to find the best price.

    Veterinarian's Office

    Veterinarians will usually carry most of the medications they prescribe. For less common, or for specialized medications, your vet may send you to another source for your pet's medication.

    Compound Pharmacy

    Some medications may need to be made into a flavored liquid so that your pet will take it. Compound pharmacies specialize in "compounding;" changing the presentation or dose of a medication when needed.

    Local Pharmacy

    Medications made for humans can sometimes be used for cats, dogs and other pets. You can often get these medications from your local pharmacy.

    Feed Store

    Feed stores that sell ranch supplies will also sell vaccines and other common medications that you don't need a prescription for. If you have several animals to vaccinate this is often a great way to buy in bulk and save money.


    Using an online pet retailer is a convenient way to get your pets' meds. For prescription medications you will have to send a copy of the prescription to the retailer, or the company may contact your veterinarian on your behalf.

    More Information:

    Doctors Foster and Smith: Medications

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