• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: You Don't Need It

    No matter who sells it, all gasoline comes out of the same hole in the ground. Modern fuel companies introduce a lot of additives to their gasoline to make it stand apart from competitors'. Many of these additives are detergents that keep carbon build-up from happening in the first place, meaning a system cleaner is redundant.

    On the Other: It Does Work

    BG Fuel System Cleaner is an incredibly concentrated solvent and does a good job of cleaning out varnish, unclogging injectors, and dissolving carbon build-up. Cars that have always run on premium-grade fuels may have less carbon build-up, but they do have some.

    Bottom Line

    Though modern fuels do contain a lot of detergents to prevent carbon and varnish build-up, none will prevent it entirely. Regular use of a solvent like BG will keep fuel injectors, valves and combustion chambers clean, and will prolong the life of filters and fuel pumps. Older cars that haven't always run on today's quality fuel will always have a certain amount of carbon and varnish build-up and can only stand to benefit from using a quality fuel system cleaner.

    Source: Fuel System 101 BG Cleaner BG Additives

    More Information:

    5th Gear on Fuel Additives (Video)

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