• Detox foot pads blend minerals and herbs within a patch that adheres to the underside of the foot. Manufacturers claim that these patches withdraw toxins from the body, though no scientific evidence currently supports this claim.


    Supposedly, detox pads work because the herbs included stimulate acupressure points on the feet that promote lymphatic drainage. Toxins within the body are drawn down to the feet and collected in the foot pads.


    These toxins are accumulated from chemicals in food, water and air. Over time, a buildup of toxins contributes to and creates disease.


    Pads are applied just before sleep and worn for a recommended minimum of eight hours. Initially, the pad will turn brown and murky overnight and is discarded come morning. Use continues until the pads cease to turn color, signifying a purified system.


    Depending on the brand, foot pads can include extracts of mushrooms, Siberian ginseng and mugwort. Some varieties include corn starch and ground quartz crystals as well.


    Since no clinical evidence can support the efficacy of foot pads, many doubt their capabilities. It is believed that the observed change in color is not from eliminated toxins, but rather dead skin cells and sweat.


    Do foot detox pads really work?



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