• Childhood asthma is a condition that affects 5 million kids under the age of 18 in the United States, explains the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. With treatment, most children with asthma enjoy a high quality of life, participating in the same activities as children without the condition.


    Asthma occurs when a child's airways constrict or narrow, reducing airflow to the lungs. Possible causes of child asthma include colds, allergens like dust mites or pollen, tobacco smoke, cigarettes, exercise and cold air, explains the Mayo Clinic.


    Symptoms of childhood asthma often come on suddenly, causing coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, a combination of symptoms known as an asthma attack. Other symptoms include difficulty sleeping due to breathing problems, delayed recovery from bronchitis or chest colds and fatigue during active play.

    Time Frame

    Most kids with childhood asthma develop the condition with the first five years of their life, explains the Merck Manual of Medical Information.


    Doctors typically prescribe medications to decrease inflammation and decrease the frequency of asthma attacks, such as inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers or the oral medication theophylline. To supplement these long-term medications, doctors often recommend rescue inhalers or nebulizers that use the medication albuterol to stop asthma attacks when they occur.


    Approximately 50 percent of all children who have child asthma grow out of the condition, explains the Merck Manual of Medical Information. Others may require medications throughout their lives to control the disease.


    Merck Manual of Medical Information: Asthma in Children

    Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Childhood Asthma

    Mayo Clinic: Childhood Asthma

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