• Infant hair loss is a normal occurrence and nothing to be concerned about. This type of hair loss, called telogen effluvium, happens frequently during a baby's first six months of life.

    Hair Growth

    Hair alternates between periods of resting and growth. During the resting phase, the hair falls out. All of the hair on a newborn's head reaches the resting phase at about the same time, causing it to fall out in large amounts.

    Hormonal Changes

    After a baby is born, he experiences a sharp decrease in hormone levels. This change can cause the hair he was born with to suddenly fall out. New hair will grow in to replace it, often of a different color and texture.


    Many babies develop bald patches in places where their heads commonly rub against a surface, such as the mattress or car seat.

    Medical Reasons

    Some babies have an underlying medical condition that causes hair loss. Talk to your doctor if your baby's baldness is accompanied by a red, flaky rash or if he is still losing hair after 6 months of age. It could be a sign of a skin disease or vitamin deficiency.


    If your baby is going bald because of hormones, you can't do anything to stop it. If you believe it is due to friction, though, try changing his sleeping position or placing him on his stomach more often when he is awake.


    The Truth About Infant Hair Loss

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