• Divorces represent some of the most contentious and emotional of all legal proceedings. In some instances, the parties are able to negotiate a settlement of the issues of their divorce cases. Other times, however, a divorce is contested.


    A contested divorce is one in which the parties are unable to reach a settled resolution of the issues between them. The dispute may involve all, several or even one major issue.


    A contested divorce involves a number of hearings and other proceedings designed to resolve outstanding issues.


    The ultimate effect of a contested divorce is a trial. At the trial, a judge takes evidence and resolves outstanding issues. The judge issues a final order and decree.

    Expert Insight

    By its very nature, a contested divorce is complex and challenging. Therefore, your best interests are served by engaging services of an experienced family law attorney.

    Time Frame

    A contested divorce proceeding can last for months, even a couple of years. The more complex the issues and the more contentious the debate, the longer the divorce proceedings.


    "Essential Guide to Divorce;" Emily Doskow; 2008

    "The Divorce Organizer & Planner;" Brette Sember; 2004

    Cornell Law School: Divorce Overview

    More Information:

    American Bar Association: Section of Family Law

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