• Most people are familiar with celebrities and public figures who have started the graying or balding processes at an early age, though most are startled when it begins to happen to them. Balding and graying of hair is a fact of life for some, but what causes them?


    Baldness can occur at any age. Some men and women begin to lose their hair in their 30s, others in their early 20s. Depending on the cause of baldness, a family doctor may be able to address the hair loss.


    As with baldness, there's no specific age that anyone can be expected to go gray, though most people begin the graying process in their forties and fifties. People who begin to see gray hairs as young as their 20s or 30s are not at any risk of aging earlier, nor should they expect any additional physical conditions than their non-gray counterparts.

    Causes of Baldness

    Physical illness and hormonal imbalances can cause hair loss, and medications can cause the loss of hair in some cases.

    Causes of Graying

    Graying of hair is caused by the lack of pigment--melanin--that is present in hair follicles. According to the 2009 article in the New York Times, "Unlocking the Secrets of Gray Hair," hydrogen peroxide produced by the hair may be responsible for bleaching the color from the hair.


    Treatment of baldness generally begins with addressing any physical issues that may be causing it, though for many only topical solutions like minoxidil or hair transplants can remedy the balding. Other than dyeing, gray hair cannot be treated or prevented.


    NY Times: Unlocking the Secrets of Gray Hair

    Medicine Net: Alopecia Areata

    Family Doctor: Hair Loss and Its Causes

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