• The word invest has several definitions. It also has an etymology that may not be what you would necessarily expect.


    Invest comes from the Latin word investire, meaning to clothe. Vestis is the Latin word for garment. In the late 14th century, the term meant "to clothe in the official robes of an office."

    Merriam-Webster's First Definition

    Merriam-Webster's dictionary first defines invest as a verb meaning "to array in the symbols of office or honor" and to "to furnish with power or authority."

    Other Definitions

    Merriam-Webster goes on to define invest as "to cover completely" and to "clothe or adorn." Their final definition is "to endow with a quality."

    Princeton Wordnet Defintion

    Princeton's Wordnet defines invest as to put or place, "to make an investment," particularly regarding money.


    In meteorology, an invest is a system that is monitored by various government and academic sites for tropical cyclone development.


    Etymology of Invest

    Glossary: Invest



    Princeton Wordnet

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