• Although PLPD is a term that is rarely used in the insurance industry today, some agents and drivers still refer to PLPD policies. This type of policy refers to basic auto insurance coverages.


    PLPD stands for "public liability and property damage." In most states, it is similar to liability coverage because it only pays for the damages of others.

    Public Liability

    The "public liability" part of PLPD pays for medical expenses and injuries you cause to others if you are at-fault in an auto accident.

    Property Damage

    The "property damage" part of PLPD pays for damage you cause to another person's car and the personal property carried in the car. It also pays for other property you damage when you cause an accident.


    PLPD auto insurance only offers the minimum liability limits required by your state. It is designed to fulfill the state's insurance requirements, rather than to provide you with a high level of financial protection.


    In Washington State, PLPD is required for motor carrier drivers rather than individual drivers. The motor carrier driver must carry PLPD on any vehicle that transports household goods.

    Source: What Does PLPD Stand For in Insurance Terms?

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