• High cholesterol has been linked to cardiovascular disease. People make a number of lifestyle changes in order to lower their cholesterol. Along with healthy food choices and exercise, some supplements may help.


    Physicians concerned about a patient's cholesterol level may prescribe statin drugs to help decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol). For some people, statins may have unwanted side effects.


    A multivitamin supplement can cover all bases and help reduce the risk of stroke or heart disease. The B vitamins in particular play an important role in heart health. Niacin is a B vitamin that helps raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL, "good" cholesterol).

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Omega-3 fatty acids help the heart in many ways and reduce triglycerides. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish twice a week for heart health. People who don't like fish should talk to their doctor about an omega-3 supplement.

    Other Supplements

    Supplements like barley, artichoke extract, garlic extract and several others, according to, lower cholesterol.


    People should discuss with their physician any supplements they are taking, because over-the-counter supplements can interact with prescription medications. Supplements sold over the counter are not regulated like prescription medicine.


    Prevention: Ten Commandments of Cholesterol Control

    American Heart Association: Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids


    Mayo Clinic: Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements

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