• Feline asthma is an allergic respiratory disease in cats, which results in difficulty breathing. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing, weakness or lethargy. There is no cure for feline asthma, however, medications can be given to open up breathing passages. There are many causes of feline asthma.

    Household Products

    Some cats may be allergic to certain household products. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals notes, "Do not use perfumes, room fresheners, carpet deodorizers, hairspray, aerosol cleaners, etc., around your cat."


    Don't let your cat become overweight and keep her active. An overweight cat can have difficulty breathing, which may cause asthma.

    Cat Litter

    Heavily scented, dusty and clay litter can cause asthma. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals notes, "Avoid using cat litters that create a lot of dust, scented litters or litter additives."


    Tiny particles that are released from trees, weeds and grass are known as pollen. Pollen can cause asthma attacks in your cat when it's breathed in. Keep your cat indoors and close windows to reduce your cat's exposure to pollen.


    Stress may cause an asthma attack for your cat. A change in everyday routine, or a change in litter or food, may contribute to stress. De-stress your cat and help ease its mind by playing with it for at least 15 minutes each day.


    The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    Feline Asthma

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