• Many colleges and universities offer online classes. If you thrive on interaction with others, or if you want the on-campus experience, this may not be the option for you. However, if you want to focus on learning, online classes may be right choice.

    Social Aspect

    While taking classes online may be convenient, it eliminates face-to-face contact with professors and other classmates. You also miss out on campus activities such as pep rallies, athletic events, dances, and parties.


    Online classes allow you to learn from wherever you have Internet access. This eliminates the need to commute to campus, making this a convenient option.


    Online classes can be worked into a hectic work or life schedule. Some employers allow you to take classes during work time, especially if the classes are something that will benefit your current job.


    Online classes can actually be more expensive than on-campus classes. This is because of the technology used to administer the classes.


    With online classes, you can learn from educational institutions all over the world.


    Capella University

    Education Online

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