• What gambler wouldn't want to have the secret to winning? The law of attraction says that what you think and focus on is what you will physically draw unto yourself. This method is also known as the law of the universe. There are a few simple tips to consider before you go gambling.

    Only Play With What You Can Lose

    Play only with the money you can afford to lose. This will give you the advantage of not trying desperately to win. If the money has bad vibes on it, than it is not going to bring you any luck. If you are playing on your bill money or grocery money than you are not going to be having fun and you will be putting out the wrong vibes.

    Practice Makes a Winner

    Practice feeling lucky at home before you go to gamble. Do not be negative and plan to bring home the big bucks. This positive attitude is supposed to bring the good things you are wishing for your way. Whatever you do if, you are feeling negative, do not say it aloud. This can be worse than just thinking negative.

    Focus on Not Focusing

    Do not pay any attention to the money being lost or on what you have left to play. If you are low on chips and you sit there worrying about it this could bring a negative feeling in and when that happens more negativity is drawn to you. Which means your chances of winning are going to drop. Remember to have fun. Just relax and play with no intentions of anything. Once you learn not to focus on the money, you can learn to enjoy the game.

    Try Using a Good Luck Charm

    If a good luck charm doesn't work after a bit, find something else. It can be anything that you feel may bring you luck; remember it is your feelings that are bringing the luck here. If you simply just cannot win or get rid of the negative thoughts, try coming back later. Maybe you just need to clear your mind to be able to start the good vibes flowing again. Be grateful when you win; do not sweat it if you lose. Rely on only the universe to provide you with the good vibrations that you yourself have sent out. Try these steps and any other steps you deem "lucky" and the universe will return to you the goodness in abundance.


    Law of Attraction Tips to Win Money at the Casino

    Law of Attraction: What Is the Universal Law of Attraction?

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