• Credit reports are an important part of your financial integrity. Favorable information on your credit report can determine whether you'll get good interest rates on car loans, mortgages or even credit cards. Disputing incorrect items on your credit report can be done either online with a few clicks of the mouse or through the mail.

    Disputing Online

    Locate all items on your credit report that are incorrect or unfamiliar to you. File your dispute on the credit bureau's website (listed in the next section). The three credit reporting agencies, TransUnion, Experian and Equifax, offer online dispute forms that make filing a dispute very simple. Fill out the online form by navigating to the website and clicking the "File a dispute" button or link. Include with the dispute each item that is incorrect. Include as much information as you can about each item: account numbers, creditor names, balance and the reason the item is incorrect. Also include information that would make the item correct. For example, "Wells Fargo Mastercard, Account 1234 5678 9001 0000 shows a current balance of $6,765.09. I haven't had a balance on this card since January 11, 2006." Submit your dispute and take note of the dispute transaction number, which you can use to periodically check on your dispute status.

    Mailing Your Dispute

    Mail a letter to the credit bureau, if you prefer, instead of filing it online. The letter should include your name, address, telephone number and information on all disputed accounts as mentioned in section one. In addition to including the credit report account information, mailing in your dispute also allows you to include documentation that supports your status on the dispute. Copies of bank account or credit card statements, letters from the creditor or canceled checks can make it easier for the credit bureau dispute investigation team to correct your report quickly. Send the dispute letter and documentation, if you have any, to: Equifax P.O. Box 740256 Atlanta, GA 30374 (800) 865-1111 Experian P.O. Box 2014 Allen, TX 75013 (888) 397-3742 TransUnion P.O. Box 2000 Springfield, PA 19022 (800) 888-4213

    Processing Time

    The credit bureau will process your dispute in 30 days if you mailed in your dispute. If you filed it online, it can take up to 45 days to be processed. If changes were made to your credit report, the credit reporting agency will mail you an updated copy of your report in the mail.

    Source: How to Dispute Credit Report Errors Disputes Disputes

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