• Every time you turn the television on these days you'll see commercials for every type of lawyer available around the country. Personal injury lawyers are usually featured, but lately mesothelioma lawyers are popping up as well.


    A mesothelioma lawyer is an attorney who has received certification in a specialized area---in this case, mesothelioma cancer cases.

    Specialization Requirements

    In order to call themselves specialized, attorneys such as mesothelioma lawyers must prove they have substantial involvement in the subject area and references from judges and other attorneys. They must also pass a written test, complete a minimum of 36 hours of continuing education in the three years prior to applying for specialization certification, and be re-certified every five years.


    Mesothelioma is a cancer that is most commonly found in patients with a history of working with asbestos. As these cases are complicated, a mesothelioma lawyer will have more in-depth knowledge of case history and precedents.


    While becoming more common, not all states recognize specializations among attorneys.


    Before you hire a mesothelioma attorney based on claims of expertise, investigate the lawyer's credentials by contact your state bar association.


    American Bar Association

    Mayo Clinic: Mesothelioma

    National Cancer Institute


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