• Heart disease encompasses medical conditions that directly affect the heart, including heart attack, coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease and congestive heart failure. While much of cardiac education is centered on prevention, it also important to be aware of the methods employed to treat heart problems. These generally include a few of the same remedies that are on the prevention side of heart disease, as well as a medicinal regimen that fights specific causes of heart problems.

    Lifestyle Changes

    Heart problems sometimes can be exacerbated by lifestyle habits, including poor nutrition, smoking, lack of exercise and stress. Eliminating these habits and swapping them out for more healthy habits is one of the most common ways to treat health problems. Reducing stress, smoking cessation, diet and exercise all contribute to a more heart-healthy existence and, combined with other methods of treatment, can lessen or eradicate instances of heart problems altogether, depending on the specific type of cardiac issue with which you are struggling.

    Medicinal Options

    Medication is a common way to treat heart disease, with new, innovative medications with less side effects being developed as heart disease research continues to cover new ground. Some of the more common medications include: Plavix, which prevents heart attacks by blocking platelets from forming clots; Lipitor, which is known as a statin and lowers cholesterol, which is a major cause of heart disease; Nitroglycerin, which relieves the chest pain associated with heart disease; Zestril, which fights hypertension, another major cause of heart disease; Lanoxin, which fights heart failure and helps to correct atrial fibrillation; and Altace, which is a ACE inhibitor that treats high-blood pressure.

    Surgical Treatment

    When a heart condition is bad enough or a heart attack has caused damage, surgery might be the only option. Heart bypass surgery is one of the most common procedures conducted in the United States, according to WebMD. It is done when the coronary arteries are blocked, and doctors must go in to provide another route for blood to flow to the heart. It is an extremely serious surgery, and this option is generally only taken when lifestyle changes and medicine alone will not restore the best cardiac health possible. This procedure can be performed via the traditional surgery procedure or through some of the more minimally-invasive techniques becoming increasingly popular in the medical community.


    Heart Disease Health

    Heart Disease Health Center

    Heart Disease Medication


    Heart Bypass Surgery

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