• Hydroponics is a method for growing plants without the use of soil. Plants are grown in water containing carefully formulated minerals and nutrients, and are sometimes supported by non-soil materials such as sand, gravel, perlite or peat moss.


    Crops grown conventionally can leach nutrients from soil and erode topsoil, but growing crops hydroponically eliminates those problems.

    Plant Health

    There is no need to worry about how much or how little water a plant is getting when it is grown hydroponically, and it is easier to monitor and adjust a plant's nutritional needs, which results in a healthier plant.

    Water Usage

    Scientists at the Sandia National Laboratories estimate that growing crops hydroponically would use a small fraction of the fresh water needed to grow them conventionally, particularly in drier parts of the world.


    Since hydroponics utilizes greenhouses to grow plants, the controlled atmosphere reduces or even eliminates the need for potentially harmful pesticides.

    Land Conservation

    Plants grown in trays and stacked vertically in greenhouses take up far less space than those grown outside.

    High Yields

    Plants grown hydroponically grow bigger, and those that produce fruits and vegetable produce more.


    Sandia National Laboratories: Sandia experiments

    University of Arizona: Hydroponics

    Texas A&M University: Hydroponics


    NASA: Hydroponics

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