• Today's workplace and the tools in it are changing rapidly. With more and more work being done in the office, you may think that the risks of hazardous work is in the past. But the office environment can produce lasting bodily side-effects if you don't know the basics of office ergonomics.


    Ergonomics is the study of human interaction with equipment, tools, work environment and systems. Employing various disciplines such as psychology, physiology and engineering, the scientific study aims to enhance work performance and minimize health risks.

    Office Ergonomics

    Office ergonomics is a subdivision of ergonomics that studies human interactions with the office environment. Over time this has come to increasingly involve computers as the office environment has shifted away from telephones and papers to electronic correspondence.

    What's Involved

    Proper office ergonomics involves understanding the basic and proper ways of sitting and working at your desk, including the basics of posture, stretching and movement. This will increase productivity and help reduce injury


    Healthy office habits at the desk include: sitting 19 to 30 inches from your computer screen, having proper back support, hands in a straight line, forearms straight and slightly elevated, feet planted on the floor, top of computer screen slightly below eye level and light touching of the keys.

    Awkward Postures

    These include slouching, holding the phone with your shoulder while typing, repetitive mouse use, remaining too static, straining to lift objects and sitting too close to the computer screen. These bad habits could lead to injury if not corrected.

    Possible Injuries

    Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are the most common type of work-related injury, and begin with the softening of the tissue in joints, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tendons. This results in injuries such as lower-back problems, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis.


    Office Ergonomics

    EHS Safety Traning

    Tips for Office Ergonomics


    Safe Computing Tips

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