• An endangered animal is any animal that has been placed on the Environmental Protection Agency's endangered species list. A species is declared endangered by the Environmental Protection Agency if its population falls below half of what is was a decade ago. Other animals are determined to be endangered if they are experiencing severe habitat loss, as determined by the EPA. To check the list by state, see "Resources." Protecting endangered species can be rewarding work, because you are preventing the extinction of a species. Many organizations need volunteers to help protect endangered species worldwide.

    Helping Out

    Worldwide environmental organizations including World Wildlife Fund, One World 365, The Nature Conservancy and Real Gap Experience allow volunteers to work directly with animals to ensure their survival. Travel experiences allow volunteers to see the endangered animals firsthand and also learn how to protect them both at home and abroad. Some of the most popular causes include protecting the whales, saving elephants and helping sea turtles. Each of these causes has backing through environmental organizations, including the ones listed here, which makes it easy to get involved in protecting endangered species.


    The best way to protect an endangered species is to get involved in an environmental organization that has the same goals that you do. If you are dedicating yourself to protecting the whales, then you should get involved in the World Wildlife Fund or to help clean up the oceans and petition to stop illegal whaling. Other options can include locally organizing a beach clean-up to promote clean oceans. There you can help by giving out information to other residents on protecting the whales. This can be done for nearly any endangered species and it is a great way for you to donate your time to protecting a species.


    Most environmental organizations have a membership base. By joining a membership group with World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy or Ocean Conservancy, or another organization dedicated to the protection of a species that you also want to held, you can donate money directly to protecting an endangered species. Also by joining the organization of your choice, you will receive updates on the cause, including new petitions and topics to talk to your local or state representative about. Often, you can do a lot to help just by writing letters to your representatives telling them about your concerns for endangered species. Then by being a member, it is easier to donate money directly to the whales or the endangered species that you choose to help.


    Endangered Species International: Latest Actions on the Ground

    Charity Guide: Online Resource for Choosing an Environmental Charity Group

    World Wildlife Fund: Species Information

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