• Finding property information about your home, or homes that you plan to buy or rent, can be helpful when comparing values, size, lots and zoning. Real estate agents can provide you with an abbreviated informational sheet on a property if you are buying or selling, but the information is usually not complete in detail. You can find property information on any house in Cleveland on your own, rather than consulting with a real estate agent and relying on the limited information provided.

    Property search technique

    Click on the link in Reference 1 and to go to the Cuyahoga County Auditor's website. The website offers four ways to search properties. Choose the method that will fit the information you already have. If all you have is an owner's last name, that's okay, but you can end up sifting through hundreds of results. The most exact way to search for a property is by parcel ID number or street address. If you are using a last name or a street addresss, you will need to select Cleveland from the drop-down menu to avoid getting results for all of Cuyahoga County.

    Navigating results

    Choose the result listed that most closely matches the property you are looking for if there are several listed. Look through the general information on the first page to find information about utilities, the type of roadway the property is on, and information about buildings on the property. Look at the transfer information for details on sales of the property and sale prices. View the Land Record tab to find dimensions and type of the property. The Residential Building Sketch tab is where you can find information about an existing structure on the property. This information includes the type of structure, size and layout detail. The Taxes/Cert. Values tab will provide you with information about the current year's taxes for the property.


    Cuyahoga County Auditor

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