• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Many Educational Uses

    Most grade school children now use a computer for many of their classes and assignments. Thousands of educational software programs and websites are available for classroom use. Children can play reading games, use an electronic encyclopedia, do a virtual dissection and accomplish many other tasks using computers.

    On the Other: Physical, Social Consequences

    Overuse of computers can lead to physical problems such as eye strain and carpal tunnel syndrome. It can also cause children to become "mouse potatoes," choosing to play computer games or go online rather than playing outside, which can lead to obesity and/or social isolation. A study by the Alliance for Childhood claims that the more time students spend on computers, the less time they engage in "creative play," which is important to their mental and social development.

    Bottom Line

    While computers are certainly useful in the classroom, they shouldn't be used for everything, and children should spend a good part of the day reading, writing, working in groups and engaging in non-electronic activities. If you're worried about excessive computer use by your children, limit their computer time at home and address your concerns with their teachers and principals.


    Brookes Publishing

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