• Urinary tract infections, also known as UTIs, are infections that originate in the body's urinary system. They can be both irritating and painful, and they can become more serious if allowed to spread. These infections cause inflammation and can affect the ureters, kidneys, urethra and bladder. Urinary tract infections can be treated before they become more serious.

    Identify Symptoms

    Most urinary tract infections will exhibit symptoms, but not every individual will experience these symptoms. Some of the symptoms associated with a UTI include persistence in the urge to urinate, frequent passing of only small quantities of urine accompanied with a burning sensation, pain in the lower abdomen and changes in the urine including cloudiness, a strong smell or blood present in the urine. Men who are suffering from a UTI may experience a discharge from the penis.


    Treatment for a urinary tract infection begins with drinking enough fluids, because they will help to flush out the bacteria. Antibiotics may be prescribed by a physician in order to help fight the underlying infection. When pain is experienced in the abdominal area, other medications may be prescribed as well. Antibiotic medications are typically required for a week or more, but with prescribed medications, UTI symptoms can clear up within only a few days. Work with a physician and take all prescribed medications until they are completely used up. Another tactic for the treatment of urinary tract infections is to drink cranberry juice, which can prevent and eliminate UTIs.

    Self Care

    Urinary tract infections can be prevented by ensuring that the bladder is completely emptied with every trip to the bathroom. Additionally, drinking plenty of water and consuming cranberry juice will also help to ward off UTIs. Wiping from the front to the back following a bowel movement, taking showers instead of baths, avoiding the use of deodorant products or sprays or scented products in the area and wearing cotton underwear are all helpful tactics for preventing urinary tract infections or lessening the symptoms when one occurs. Frequent urination is also recommended, avoiding "holding it" after feeling the urge to use the restroom. Holding in urine can increase the likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection.


    Penn State College of Medicine: Urinary Tract Infections

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