• Bank accounts help you store and save your money safely. You also can earn interest, depending on the account you choose.


    Banks offer checking, savings, money market and CD accounts (certificates of deposit), among others. They all have different requirements, depending on the bank.

    Opening an Account

    To open a bank account, you need state-approved identification, Social Security number, address and other personal information. Some banks require you to have good credit before they will open an account for you. Some specific accounts might require direct deposit or a minimum monthly balance.

    Major Banks

    Nationwide chains include Citibank, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank.

    FDIC Insurance

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) protects up to $250,000 in each individual checking, savings or CD account, so choose an account with an "insured bank."

    Additional Benefits

    Some banks offer sign-up bonuses when you open an account, and some offer reward benefits every time you use your debit card.


    FDIC Basics

    Bank of America



    See if the bank is FDIC insured

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