• Some protein is needed for the body because the hair, eyes, muscles and skin are mostly comprised of it. The amount of protein you consume can vary based on how active you are, age and gender. It also can depend what your goals are if you are building muscle or work out on a regular basis. There is a formula and guidelines that can help you determine how much protein you need based on your individual needs.

    Daily Protein Intake for Adults

    Consume about 0.6 to 0.8 g of protein for every kilogram or 2.2 lbs. if you are an average adult that is moderately active. Calculate your weight in kilograms by dividing your weight in pounds by 2.2. Once you have converted your weight in kilograms, multiply the sum by 0.8 if you are relatively healthy and moderately active. For example, if your weight is 140 lbs. divide by 2.2 to convert to kilograms, which equals 63.6. Multiply this sum by 0.8, which equals 50.4 g per day. You should consume around 50 grams of protein per day. If you are very active or lift weights regularly, you should consume a little more protein, and consume a little less if you are not very active or sedentary. The average adult male needs 48 to 63 g per day, and the typical adult female needs 37 to 50 g per day.

    Protein Intake for Children and Pregnant Women

    Increase your protein intake if you are a pregnant woman, or an adolescent -- about 10 more grams per day. An average adolescent should consume 52 to 65 g of protein per day. If you are pregnant, stressed, exercise heavily or are recovering from an illness, multiply your weight in kilograms by 1.8. For example, if your weight is 140 divide by 2.2 to calculate weight in kilograms then multiply by 1.8 which equals 114 g of protein per day. An infant or toddler should consume about 11 to 13 g per day, according to Protein intake can also be calculated by your basal metabolic rate, which a nutritionist could help you figure it out.

    Good Sources of Protein

    Practice a healthy diet with good sources of protein such as eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, legumes and nuts. Soybeans, wheat and pizza all contain high amounts of protein. It is best to consult a food guide that tells you how much protein is in each food to determine how much of these foods to consume each day. Generally, it is not harmful to the body to consume too much protein, unless you have kidney problems. It is more important that you get enough protein. An average person will pass excess amounts of protein normally, while a person with kidney problems cannot break it down, according to


    Become Healthy Now: How Much Protein Do You Need?

    Eat Healthy Live Healthy: How Much Protein Do You Need In A Day?

    How Much Protein: Daily Protein Intake

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