• The art of public speaking is the ability to present a speech to the public in way that's composed and confident, and that displays your expertise in a certain subject. Public speaking takes place in schools, businesses, in entertainment and at government conferences.


    Public speaking is important because it allows you to share your interests and experience with a wider audience. For example, if you've written several books on the effects of video games on children, through your speech you'll have a bigger platform for your cause.


    A short speech lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. An important skill in public speaking is to be able to give concise and well-researched speeches within a limited time period, especially when there are other speakers in a larger program.

    Before The Speech

    To combat nervousness and the fear of not giving a well-prepared speech, it is beneficial to write an outline of the speech and practice by speaking in front of family and friends. This will make you comfortable with the speech, building your confidence.


    In the beginning of the speech, you want to state the topic of your subject and briefly give background information. For example, if your speech will inform the audience about constitutional rights regarding gun ownership, you may discuss the history of the second amendment and the role it played in American life. In the rest of the speech you can mention current battles between residents and local or state governments. Your speech then ends with a conclusion.


    Public speaking can be intimidating, but at some point in life everyone will have to speak in front of others. Learning this important skill can enable you to make new friends, build business connections, advance your causes and land a new job.


    University of Hawaii: Why Public Speaking Is So Important

    How Shall I Say It?: The Art of Public Speaking by Ross Stover

    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Public Speaking


    Toastmasters International

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