• Getting around Puerto Rico is relatively easy as there are many options when it comes to transportation. The modes of transportation may vary within the various parts of Puerto Rico, but the traveller will always find a way of getting where he needs to be.


    Buses are available in Puerto Rico's metropolitan area. Bus stops are marked by signs reading "Parada."


    Puerto Rico has reliable tourist taxis in addition to local taxis. Tourist taxis charge a flat rate between certain destinations, while local taxis charge by time.

    Car Rental

    There are several car rental agencies in Puerto Rico, many of which will pick customers up at hotels and drive them to the car rental agency.

    Trolley and Bicycle

    Free trolley service is available in Old San Juan. Bicycle rental is also a popular option in Old San Juan.

    Ferries and Planes

    Ferries and chartered planes provide transportation between the islands of Puerto Rico, Culebra and Vieques.


    Puerto Rico Tourism Company

    Puerto Rico Convention Bureau

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