• Unfortunately, our dogs don't tell us when they are not feeling well, at least not with words. However, if you learn your dog's normal routines, energy levels and activities, you can easily discern when your pet is ill. Those who live with dogs should educate themselves about what is normal and what indicates the dog is sick. Learning symptoms of dog illnesses will allow you to get the proper treatment for your dog.

    Vital Signs

    Pet guardians should know how to check their dog's vital signs and know what is normal in canines. Dogs have a normal body temperature of 101 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Normal respiration is 15 to 20 breaths per minute and heart rate is 80 to 120 beats per minute. You dog's gums should be a healthy pink color. If the gums are yellow, pale, white or gray, this is a sign of serious illness and the pet should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. If any of your dog's vital signs are abnormal, the symptoms could be caused by a range of conditions and a veterinarian would need to do further testing to provide a definitive diagnosis.


    If your dog is exhibiting symptoms of respiratory illness, such as a runny nose or coughing, these could indicate an illness ranging from a mild upper respiratory infection to something more serious--such as heartworms. If you dog has irregular breathing, shortness of breath or prolonged or heavy panting, it should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. These are symptoms of serious medical issues.


    Monitoring your dog's food intake can tell you a lot about your pet's health. Often related to appetite are sudden weight loss or sudden weight gain, both of which can indicate illness in your pet. If your dog suddenly refuses to eat or is suddenly a voracious eater, there may be a medical issue. Suddenly eating less could indicate conditions ranging from an infectious virus to pancreatitis. A sudden increase in appetite could indicate illnesses from Cushing's disease to an infection of intestinal parasites. It's also important to monitor your dog's water consumption. If your dog suddenly starts drinking more water, this can be indicative of several conditions, including diabetes. If your dog stops drinking or drinks significantly less, you'll need to take quick action to ensure your pet doesn't become dehydrated.

    Coat and Skin

    Your dog's skin and coat condition can tell you a lot about your pet's health. Lumps, sores or lesions on the skin can indicate conditions ranging from ringworm and fleas to cancer and infection. If your dog has dry and itchy skin, it is likely suffering from allergies, topical parasites or may have a thyroid condition. In addition, if your dog isn't grooming, this means it isn't feeling well or is in pain.


    If your dog suddenly changes its behavior or changes its routine for no discernible reason, this may indicate that your dog is sick or in pain. A dog that suddenly doesn't want to exercise may be suffering from conditions that range from upset stomach to heart disease. If your dog has difficulty getting up or stiffness in its limbs, this may indicate arthritis or disc disease. Other changes in behavior--circling, pacing, changes in sleep, withdrawing from family members, confusion and aggression--may indicate that your dog is ill. Most commonly, changes in behavior indicate the dog is in pain, though in senior dogs it may indicate the onset of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, which is similar to Alzheimer's disease.


    Signs of Illness in Your Dog

    Signs of Canine Illness

    Eight Signs of Dog Illness You Should Recognize

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