• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Folic Acid Reduces Birth Defects

    Folic acid, Vitamin B9, is necessary to the formation of DNA. It is found in foods like leafy vegetables and in supplement pills. Numerous studies have established that if a woman consumes 400 micrograms of folic acid each day before conceiving and in the early stages of pregnancy, she reduces the chances that her baby will be born with spine or brain defects. A blood test can detect folic acid levels to determine whether a pregnant woman is consuming enough of it.

    On the Other: Folic Acid May Increase Asthma Risk in Babies

    Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia have determined that if women take folic acid supplements during the late stages of their pregnancy, their babies have a higher risk of developing asthma in their toddler years. The researchers did not find any correlation between folic acid from food sources and asthma.

    Bottom Line

    It's fine to take folic acid supplements if you don't get enough folic acid in your diet, but take the supplements only before conception and early in pregnancy to avoid possible risk to your baby.


    Folic Acid and Pregnancy

    Folic Acid

    Folic Acid Late in Pregnancy Tied to Asthma in Kids

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