• Vitamins and minerals make our bodies work properly and more efficiently. We derive vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat every day and it is important to know that there are some foods that have more vitamin content and minerals than others. Eating those foods will help us meet the recommended daily vitamin amounts faster and easier.

    Get a List

    The best way to learn what particular vitamins are in particular foods is by obtaining a food data chart. The Internet is an excellent resource for this information. Sites such as and will provide a long list of foods and the vitamins that they contain. You can also look to your doctor or a skilled nutritionist for helpful information. These professionals can assist you in developing an eating plan or diet that will provide you with a healthy amount of vitamins and minerals.

    USDA and Government Agencies

    The United States Government's Department of Agriculture can also provide you a good deal of information in regard to vitamins and minerals and their content in certain food items. Visit for downloadable literature, statistical information and informative detailed food charts. You can also visit your local county health department for information. If you receive assistance from the United States Department of Agriculture's WIC (women and infant children) program, your local WIC office should be able to advise you about food vitamins and content also. Your local Food Stamp providing office is also a good resource to look to for advice and information.

    Common Sense

    Eating fruits and vegetables will always be a smart idea when seeking food with high vitamin and mineral content. Dairy products and meat products should also be consumed on a regular basis. Avoiding sweets and fatty foods is also advisable. Get full by eating foods that will benefit the development and growth of your body to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Common sense will go a long way when deciding upon a healthy diet. Use the resources available to you. Getting positive guidance and information is free in many cases.


    Vitamin Information


    Vitamin Food Chart

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