• Only he knows the answer to that but it certainly sounds like his religion will always come before you.
  • Will he still allow you to have free will after you are married?
  • Run for the Hills! 1) Children will have to be Muslim 2) You will not be allowed to think or say anything openly. 3) If you get a divorce he will take the Kids and flee to his country and you have a very slim to no chance of recovering them. 4) If you do have the 2-3 million to get a snatch group together. Do you have the contacts to make sure they are not known as such in the Muslim comminity. the above is just the basic reasons to drop him
  • if this man makes you happy and it sounds like he does then think long and hard about it. not sure on the converting thing though, you do actually have to believe in Allah to do so and it dont sound like you do. Dont know how old you are but if your young id have some serious doubts. The main problem is though is the restrictions the religion has on you (being a woman). It rules your dress, your intake of alcohol and it can be quite difficult for a convert to break into what is a tight group of people. I hope it works out for the best but i'll be honest and say if i had eg. a 17 year old daughter who came to me with your problem, i wouldnt be happy and would strongly 'advise' the man to briskly leave my daughters life
  • sweetie...get away as fast as you can.....your life will be over as you know it.. do me a favor..find yourself first..if you study islam and decide you want to be muslim..then consider marrying him...but study long and hard..and what about mention of me a favor decide what kind of life YOU WANT FOR YOURSELF..then find a man who fits into your plans

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