• I think the US government should put it back into circulation. It'd be for confortable holding 1000 dollars in 2, 500 dollar bills, rather than 10 100 dollar bills. Also the bill looks fancy. Go here for a picture of it:
  • they should definitely put the 500 dollar bill back into circulation. It will be so much easier for people who make business with alot of money so that they won't be carrying around too many hundred dollar bills in their wallet. If europe has a 500 euro bill which today is worth around 850 dollars, why cant we have a 500 dollar bill? The treasury should definitely make a new redesigned 500 dollar bill, like the one with McKinley.
  • You need one a week, to fill up your gas tank.
  • Five hundred dollars in which currency? Canada? Australia? New Zealand? USA? In all of those nations the need for large denomination notes has long ago been met by the ability of the individual to write a personal check for that amount (or more) or to use credit or debit cards to make transactions of that amount (or more). Printing and circulating notes costs a government a great deal of money -- the fewer notes a government can get away with producing the lower the cost for the tax payer. No Western government is going to introduce or re-introduce large denomination notes in this age of personal checks, plastic, and electronic transactions. It would be silly.
  • Only if it's made out of ultra fine quality paper and it is 100% unforgeable since they spent the time and money to make this the best bill ever? Who or what will be the figurehead on it? You can't go wrong with a majestic eagle.
  • With inflation and more money needed to do more & more things nowadays, I would love to see a $200 and $500 bill circulated regularly. The Euro already has a 200 and 500-Euro bill and it's worth more than the dollar so why don't we have $200 and $500 dollar bills too?
  • Considering that the US dollar is probably the favorite currency of counterfeiters, I think no.
  • well, here in las vegas, its really cumbersom to go bet $5000, in $100 bills, on a football game, they ned to have 1k's and 500's again. they dont take CHECKS when making a bet. CASH ONLY
  • NOPE ; Not enough of the average American has that kind of money to be carrying around with them ... +5

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