• Take it to your pharmacist, ask him. and remember to show him your prescription for it.
  • If there was a written prescription then they would know what it is. You really are very negative and if someone finds a pill and comes to a (what is this pill web site) it does not mean they are doing somthing wrong. Give someone a break. Like me. I am not doing anythigh wrong, for your info.. I AM PREGNANT and you accused me on mine that I was some drug user. Like I said, we bought a desk at a garage sale and I found these pills and I am curious as to what they are...
  • Drug Name Acyclovir Strength(s) 800 MG Imprint(s) 302 MYLAN Manufacturer / Distributor Mylan Acyclovir is used for: Treating chickenpox (varicella) or shingles (herpes zoster) and treating or suppressing genital herpes infections. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

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