• Because most people that call themselves christians quite frankly aren't christian in any sense of the word.
  • I think it's okay for Christians to celebrate the human incarnation of their god... if not christmas -- what day would you propose?
  • Christmas is not a pagan event. Some of the activities were adapted from pagans, but the meanings these activities hold are obviously not pagan. Your question makes you sound pretty ignorant.
  • You used a question to make a statement. The statement is clearly erroneous because you say christmas is a pagan event. That would depend upon your standpoint and is not "quite clearly" so in a universal manner. Christians celebrate christmas because they believe it to be the day of the birth of jesus christ. Hence the christ in christmas and the cross in it's symbolised Xmas Why do you celebrate it? Because it's an opportunity to get off your head or to chase totty perhaps?
  • Wait: is it "quite clearly a pagan event," or is it "purely a catholic (sic) celebration."
  • They like decorating pine trees rather than worshiping them. Even though true christians know they are not magical because they stay green all the year long. Even if Catholics do not.
  • Not a practicing Christian, but I was brought up that way as a child. Having said that... The pagans had a winter celebration that involved gift giving and "partying" that is the origin of the secular version of Christmas. It is not the only pagan celebration that got mixed into Christian traditions, Easter (a fertility celebration, hence the rabbit) being another. The Catholic church was THE Christian church until the Reformation. When the Protestant revolution occured, it was not a total rejection of the Catholic church, only a demonstration of what Luther thought were particular problems with the church. The celebration of Christmas was not one of the problems, so it survived the "filter" of the Reformation. So assuming that "true" Christians believe in the astonishing miracle of the resurrection, why not celebrate the birth of the guy who did it?
  • Do you have an alternative way to suggest?
  • because the intent of stealing "yule" from the pagans , reinventing it as "christmas" and putting it on the same day as the pagan yule, was to discredit it , overshadow it , and pass it off as their own .... so they have to keep it up ...or we take it back and expose the lie and the theft . the same as halloween , easter etc.... although they are now starting to admit that halloween was pagan ... but they are now calling it satanic to discredit it more . - just one sided cola war tatics and ongoing smear campaigns to combat their biggest enemy....truth.
  • Catholics were the first christians.
  • wild guess man, As far as the 'HOLY-DAYS" go, few survived the Church's just plain old placing the holiday to coincide with a pagan rite - Christmas or just stealing a pagan rite altogether as in the Fertility worship of Ishtar at the Spring Equinox in order to lure the pagans "into the fold." You ask, "Why do true Christians celebrate...” Because they follow the "Traditions of Man" in grievous error. Technically then, they are not 'true' Christians. This does NOT mean they are ‘BAD’ people. They have never been taught the truth. THAT is the true sin. See: By the way; Jews were the first Christians. Christ WAS a Jew.
  • For me Christmas is a time when I celebrate the first coming of Jesus and consider His futur coming. Although it is of pagan origine, celebrating Christmas in my family is mainly the opportunity to come together having not seen each other for the past year. I think this idea of reunion is both pleasant in itself and a fitting way to remember the coming of Christ and His union with us.
  • I think that true Christians can celebrate Christmas because in their hearts and minds they are not honoring a pagan god or holiday, but honestly are celebrating the birth of Christ. The pagan symbols of Mithra, and later Saturn, have been completely co-opted by Christianity, and relatively few people give two shits about the pagan background of Christmas. Every year some college freshman thinks they've re-invented the wheel when they learn about the pagan background of Christmas for the first time. I love Christmas time of year and I'm a firm believer in Christ.
  • Don't you know that religion is supposed to be immune from any difficult questions? I guess that's the design of faith. Bring on the DRs for this observation.
  • it not when you do it, it is why and that would be in celebration of the birth of Jesus, the when is directly linked to pagan holidays such as winter solstice which occurs around this time
  • They stole the day from pagan's and called it the birthday of 'Christ'. Of course, Christmas is a commercial holiday now anyway.

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