• Wow - That is powerful to me and how true
  • last year thats what i lived by..i thought it w as very amazing at the time... why?because i was in that situation.i had someone that loved me alot and i mean alot. and i cheated on him. someone i just liked. (that guy he said twice that he loved me but i was scared)becuase i loved the first guy.soo that quote i lived by.. it kept me strong for a while.until the firt guy broke my i do not understand it. why? becuase i stuck to it. i did not leave him
  • It is a very good quote!
  • I think often we leave the ones who love us the most, something that makes no sense...The only part that might make a little bit of sense is that, like, is a little more simple then love is. But if it's right then love can be simple. All in all love is complicated to explain and some people leave the ones they love, because of reasons we all don't know. I also, really like the quote, a lot of meaning!
  • it's kind like "if a man leaves his wife for you, who will he leave you for?" I like them both, words of wisdom!!
  • It's a good quote, but its not as simple as it sounds. Love is beautiful, but complicated.. only you know what you should do in your own situation.
  • guess what!? the reason im on this random website is cause i found that quote scrawled on a pink post it note on a wall under a bridge in east london together with about 1000 other pink post-it notes with their own messages. weird ay? it was some art thing. under all the pink notes was an inflatable plastic sofa, i was with my girlfriend and she and me were drunk. it was cool we covered each other in the notes randomly and strolled away looking like walking notice boards. i only kept that note cause the quote stuck in my head. and guess what the girl who was my girlfriend till 10 days ago, was gorgeous looking and a party animal to match. I fell in love with her but she was well moody at times and pretty selfish, cause im sure she had grown up with her pretty face getting her everywhere. also she never could talk about her feelings (i know im the guy and i can and she can't. bit of a role reversal from the norm. i was the woman!) well anyway i didnt leave her for the one i like, i left her cause she was moody and i couldnt see myself marrying her. this rant doesnt really link with the original quote, but it kind of does cause the people i like especially my girl-friends well they are so much more on my wavelength, very funny and kind and friendly and affectionate, but i dont fancy them, i wish i did. but its always one of the other, isnt it? like you find them really sexy but theyre not on your wavelengh, bit like my ex. or theyre super cool but you dont fancy them. come on i want both! where is my sexy, clever juliette!? see some of my music:
  • It is a very true quote. It happened to me. I have been with my man for almost four years, and have been engaged to him for two. A few months back I met someone who I totally lusted after. I engaged in an affair with him and thought I was in love with him. He had me convinced that he loved me, needed me, wanted to marry me and be my man forever. Basically he told me everything that I wanted to hear, things I wasn't getting from my relationship with my fiance. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. My guy on the side went on a vacation to visit a female friend of his and was gone for a week. One he was gone, I realized how badly I missed him and decided to end things with my fiance. The same day I made the decision to leave my fiance, my friend told me he fell in love with his friend while he was out there and made the decision to move out there to be with her. He told me he loved me but that I should go back to my fiance. How could you let someone go if you really loved them? So I told my fiance the truth because I knew he would end it with me. But he forgave me and we are moving forward. I know now who really loves me. So in this case, the quote couldn't be more true.
  • I like it, but I don't live by it.
  • Kinda like saying, "Love over lust!"
  • That's why you never leave the one you love and sneak out with the one you like and then come back to the one you love and you can have your cake and eat it to :)
  • you like it I love it
  • This is just a quote, it's not some saying you chant in your sleep...just because you say it it doesn't meant it's all going to work out. Loyalty. Loyalty is so imporant even if you are with someone you don't wish to be with, why not just end things with them before you go off with another...People who cheat are afraid of being alone, that is why they do it. They hope that if they mess around with this new individual and it doesn't work that they know they have someone to fall back on. I believe this to be cruel and is a leap of faith, you've got to be ready to either fly or hit the concrete without some chump there to break your fall. You can destroy a person that way. Stop thinking and feel. Feel what is real and what is superficial. Words help and this quote just restates what you already know.
  • I actually need some advice that goes with this quote. I fell in love with this boy and after I met him I didn't want to be with anyone else well he broke up with me two weeks ago after telling me he loved me too and we always had a great time together and I just found it was because of another girl. I was his first kiss and his first real girlfriend. I just don't know if I should give up on him or what cause he is also confused and I want to get together and talk to him about it but most of the time he doesn't reply to my text messages or anything so idk....I'm just really hurt and confused and I have cried every day for two weeks because I just wanted to get back together with him....
  • OMG i agree with that. I broke up with my sons father to be with this guy that i had a crush on then he left me for some girl and now they are having a baby.
  • Also phrased as, "If he fools around *with* you, he'll fool around *on* you."

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